Would You Get An Award?

05-20-15 050


Me:  What do you have there Prodigal?


Prodigal:  An award, I was the quickest pig out of the gate!


Me:  Impressive, I think you deserve that!


Prodigal:  Thank you!  I guess for my reward I could also use some encouragement about God.


Today I share from Chuck Swindoll in his book Hope Again When Life Hurts and Dreams Fade.


Though the world and even our fellow Christians may be impressed with and applaud our deeds, let’s not forget that God is the final judge!  He searches our hearts;  He alone knows our motivation.  And He will be the One to say, “This deserves a reward.  Ah, but that does not.”

That’s why we conduct ourselves in fear.  That is why we walk in reverence.  Because we know that He is checking for illegal substances.  He knows whether down deep inside we have gotten sucked into the cosmos, whether we have bought into the system.  He knows whether our noble acts and deeds are done out of pride and self-aggrandizement or whether they have been carried out in the power of the Spirit.  He knows whether our inner, unseen thoughts and motives match our external words and works.  He is pleased when our lives honor Him–inside and out.  He is grieved when they do not.  And it is His smile we want.  It is His reward, not the reward of this world, not the applause of those around us, not the superficial spotlight of fame or power.


God sees you!  He sees your heart.  Yeah, I know they don’t understand over there.  This is a new way and a new direction to learn.  You have gotten use to the fanfare of approval from others with the applause and approving smiles.  Soon you will crave the wonderful joy though of God’s which may be less noise but will fill your soul with a tender love that does not soon depart.

1 Corinthians 4:5 

Therefore do not go on passing judgment before the time, but wait until the Lord comes who will both bring to light the things hidden in the darkness and disclose the motives of men’s hearts; and then each man’s praise will come to him from God.


Jennifer Van Allen,





A Beautiful Work Of Art

05-28-15 035


Me:  Prodigal, What are you doing!


Prodigal:  Taking a closer look at this piece of art work made out of bottles.


Me:  I have not seen anything like this before.


Prodigal:  Yeah and that is why I wanted a closer look.


Me:  I have story about art work that you might enjoy.


Judith Couchman talks about her art in her house.

A beautiful work of art sits in my upstairs bedroom, the kind that beckons attention, evokes emotion, and lingers in the mind.  It is an exquisite piece of pottery that woos and teases passerby.  Half vase because of its small pedestal bottom and half pot due to its wide girth and mouth, this creation embodies the word unique.

A narrow-eyed pragmatist might examine this creation and announce, “What good is it?  It doesn’t do anything.”  And yes, I could fill the pot with pine cones for tennis balls or jewelry or whatever–just to assign it something to do–but that would detract from its intrinsic beauty.  All things considered, I value that pottery’s form more than its function.

This is how God feels about us.  We are His beautiful and thoughtful creation.  Like one-of-a-kind pottery, above all else He treasures our innate worth.  We are immensely significant, and our value does not depend on anything we do, think, say, feel, earn, inherit or look like.  It is because we exist as God’s creation.


A beautiful work of art is sitting and reading this right now.  This piece of art is you!  God was there when you were made.  He formed you in His own image.  He has been with you this whole time.  Just stop with all the reasons you cannot be beautiful.  God sees that you are!

I need God’s grace as much as you do.  Just because grace is needed doesn’t mean that you are not wonderfully made.  I look and all I see is beauty and I see how significant you are to God.  I see how God uses you in so many people’s lives.  I value how you are made and who you are.  This is something that I respect in you and is present even now.


I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you.

Jeremiah 31:3


Jennifer Van Allen



What Kind of Eyes Do You Have?

05-28-15 049


Me:  Umm, Prodigal, You are about to be someone’s lunch…


Prodigal:  No, You are seeing it all wrong.  This is my friend and I am helping him with cleaning his teeth since he cannot do it alone.


Me:  Sorry about that, I just wanted to assume you were in trouble.  That reminds me of Jennifer Rothschild book Lessons I Learned in the Dark Steps to Walking by Faith , not by Sight.  I will share what she has wrote.


The only difference between becoming bitter and becoming better is the letter I.  Approaching our difficulties from the standpoint of what I want, what I have lost, or what I think is fair will embitter us.  Bitter eyes can perceive only the injustice and the sorrow in our situation.  Grateful eyes, however, will  always see the grace of God, regardless of how difficult our circumstances might be.  Grateful eyes allow us to see “the goodness of the LORD in the hand of the living”Psalm 27:13.

Being a counselor what I have heard is a lot of stories with struggles in it.  This is what I know for sure.  Is that what ever you feel is unfair in your life this day, then I know for a  fact someone is struggling with that same unfairness. They probably are struggling with more pressure and a more intense way than you and is smiling and praising God.  This is not too make you feel guilty but to just show you that we have a choice about what eyes we choose to use today.


Psalm 19:8

The precepts of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart;  The commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening of the eyes.


Jennifer Van Allen,


