If I Had Only Known You

Me: Sometimes we don’t know and have to be told.

Prodigal: Yes, because we don’t understand how good the Lord can be.

This is from Nancy Spiegelberg and Dorothy Purdy, Fanfare: A Celebration of Belief

If I Had Only Known You

Lord, I crawled across the barrenness

to You

with my empty cup


in asking

any small drop

of refreshment.

If only

I had known You


I’d have come


With a bucket.

Let the stars of the twilight thereof be dark; let it look for light, but have none; neither let it see the dawning of the day: Job 3:9 (KJV)

Jennifer Van Allen



O Thou

Prodigal: So small.

Me: Yes, but happy for it.

This is from George Herbert

O Thou who has given us so much, mercifully grant us one thing more—a grateful heart.

And he said unto them, That the Son of man is Lord also of the sabbath. Luke 6:5 (KJV)

Jennifer Van Allen



Women Lovin’ Jesus

Prodigal: Oops..made a mistake.

Me: That is ok.

This is a short video devotion on Proverbs.

click here to watch the video

Proverbs 14:14 The backslider in heart shall be filled with is own ways: and a good man shall be satisfied from himself. (NKJV)

Jennifer Van Allen



Strength To Go On

Prodigal: I’m plum worn out. I need a break.

Me: We can rest and I will share this to encourage you.

This is from the book Praying Through Life’s Problems featuring Stormie Omartian

Regardless of your present situation, know that God has an abundance of blessings for you. He is working powerfully in your life right where you are, so don’t stop praying. Close your eyes, call His name, and sense His presence. He wants you to trust that when you are afraid, you can turn to Him and find His peace. When you are weary, you will find His strength. When you are empty, you will find His fullness. When you are sad, you will find His joy. And when you are in the middle of a raging storm, you will find His shelter and provision. Don’t let yourself be blinded by circumstances, afraid of what’s happening, easily discouraged, drawn toward bitterness, or quick to complain. Instead, look for God in the midst of your circumstances.

But overthrew Pharaoh and his host in the Red sea: for his mercy endureth for ever. Psalms 136:15 (KJV)

Jennifer Van Allen



Faith Is

Prodigal: I got to hold on till my change comes.

Me: Faith is what makes you hold on.

This is from Faith Is by Pamela Reeve

Faith is resting in the fact that God has an objective in leaving me on the scene when I feel useless to Him and a burden to others.

You are right where you are suppose to be. God is making some changes that you cannot see yet. Your faith will help you and allow God to work.

We give thanks to God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you, Colossians 1:3 (KJV)

Jennifer Van Allen



Women Lovin’ Jesus

Prodigal: Just hanging out and waiting.

Me: Yes, and that looks like a good waiting spot.

This a short video devotion on Proverbs.

Click here to watch the video

Proverbs 14:12 There is a way that seems right to man, But its end is the way of death. (NKJV)

Jennifer Van Allen



Foggy Conceptions

Prodigal: How do I look?

Me: Makes your face look distorted, but I know what you really look like.

This is from Philip Yancey

Jesus corrects my foggy conceptions of God. Jesus reveals a God who comes in search of us, a God who makes room for our freedom even when it costs the Son’s life, a God who is vulnerable. Above all, Jesus reveals a God who is love.

And there was a cloud that overshadowed them: and a voice came out of the cloud, saying, This is my beloved Son: hear him. Mark 9:7 (KJV)

Jennifer Van Allen



The Rarest Part

Prodigal: This is taking forever.

Me: Patience, patience

This is from Ruskin

There’s no music in a “rest,” but there’s the making of music in it. And people are always missing that part of the life melody, always talking of perseverance and courage and fortitude, but patience is the finest and worthiest part of fortitude, and the rarest, too.

And after six days Jesus taketh with him Peter, and James, and John, and leadeth them up into an high mountain apart by themselves: and he was transfigured before them. Mark 9:2 (KJV)

Jennifer Van Allen



Women Lovin’ Jesus

Prodigal: The weather doesn’t look to inviting today.

Me: No, might be an inside day today.

This is a short video on Proverbs.

click here to watch the video

Proverbs 14:13 Even in laughter the heart may ache, and the end of joy may be grief. (ESV)

Jennifer Van Allen




Me: This is a great game!

Prodigal: I am enjoying it.

This is from the book The Tale of the Tardy Oxcart by Charles Swindoll

True sports fans have an amazing ability to remember details, statistics, a little technicality of a rule….you know, stuff nobody really cares to hear about except another sports fan. Another characteristic of a fan is an indomitable sense of commitment or determination. Against incredible odds, sound logic, and even medical advice, sports fans will persevere to the dying end!

I’ve often wondered what would happen if people were as intense and committed and determined about church as they are about sports–or a number of other pastimes. This was reinforced some years back in a Moody Monthly piece which illustrated twelve excuses a fella might use for “quitting sports.” The analogy isn’t hard to figure out.

Every time I went, they asked me for money.

The people with whom I had to sit didn’t seem very friendly.

The seats were too hard and uncomfortable.

The coach never came to see me.

The referee made a decision with which I could not agree.

I was sitting with some hypocrites–they only came to see what others were wearing.

Some games went into overtime, and I was late getting home.

The band played numbers I had never heard before.

The games are scheduled when I want to do other things.

My parents took me to too many games when I was growing up.

Since I read a book on sports, I feel that I know more than the coaches any how.

I don’t want to take my children, because I want them to choose for themselves what sport they like best.

O LORD our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! Psalm 8:9 (KJV)

Jennifer Van Allen

