Prodigal: This is where Billy Graham began his preaching.
Me: I am Happy Billy you are with Our Lord and to his family I am sorry for the grief you are experiencing.
The past 24 hours have been interesting in a way that makes to want to reflect on life for a moment as the sun washes the world with light and a new day. A couple of things have happened. First of all Asher decided to show up 18 days early, weighing at 7 pounds and 11 ounces. With that brings the hurrying, the amazement that a new personality, new person has just entered into your life and the thoughts of what joys and blessing will come to us who know him.
Then on the other side of the coin. The announcement of death. This death is not without hope though because we know Billy Graham is with our Lord. Billy was someone who I admired. I never met him,but I will in heaven. He was born and raised in North Carolina with three siblings just like me and then even came to Florida and started preaching. I do not preach but I also started my ministry in Florida. So a little bit of that shared journal has made me look into his life.
What impressed me about Billy is two personal stories that I have heard. He would never be in a room alone with a woman that was not his wife. The second is that one time he slipped and fell and cracked his ribs and then went on to speak to others about God hours later with no pain killers.
The little decisions in life and little moments make up your character. It is sometimes the things that people don’t see. It is the little things that can be the hardest to do. It is the little things that we believe do not make a difference.
I have been on a journey of late and that journey has brought with it ups and downs. I have run into the question of what happens when people refuse to accept God’s love? What happens with they are blind and deaf? What happens when these people will refuse to accept God’s love and remain blind and deaf until the day they die?
My journey has been a surrounding of this. So I have sought to figure out what the Lord wanted to show me with these circumstances. The Lord has then been able to show me an answer. The answer that was shown is to love them and have compassion on them in your heart. God has allowed my eyes and ears to be open and to receive His love. All I can do is be a reminder that God is love. You accept it or you don’t but I am accepting it. I am living with thankfulness and I am living with praise that God is love.
What will I say to the blind and deaf, to those who have not accepted God’s love? Thank you and praise you that you have been in my life. I have truly learned to love because I know I can love you whether your eyes and ears open or not. I can have compassion on you and still pray for you whether you understand God’s love or not.
God you have made this day and given me my daily bread already. God, I will continue to praise you and I know there will be nothing finer than to meet you when my time on earth is done and experience that love in a perfect heaven with your angels. In the meantime, while I am here, I will continue to bask in your love for me everyday. I will continue to have compassion on those who remain blind and deaf.
Psalm 26:12
My feet stand on level ground; in the great congregation I will praise the LORD.
Jennifer Van Allen