
07-11-15 099


Prodigal:  Howdy!


Me:  What are you doing?


Prodigal:  Just walking and thinking.  Some of the things in the bible are confusing.  For instance what is justification?


Me:  Well, all that can get confusing.  I will let Chuck Swindoll explain it.


It is the sovereign act of God whereby He declares righteous the believing sinner while still in his sinning state.  It doesn’t mean that the believing sinner stops sinning.  It doesn’t’  even mean that the believing sinner is made righteous in the sense of suddenly becoming perpetually perfect.  The sinner is declared righteous.  God sovereignty bestows the gift of eternal life on sinner at the moment he believes and thereby declares him righteous while the sinner still lives a life marked by periodic sinfulness.  God takes the guilty, believing sinner who says “I am lost, unworthy, guilty as charged, and undeserving of forgiveness” and extends the gift of eternal life because Christ’s death on the cross satisfied His demands against sin, namely death.  And God sees the guilty sinner (who come by faith alone) as righteous as His own Son.


Romans 5:2

Through Christ we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand.  And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God.


Jennifer Van Allen




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