The Teacher

05-03-15 035


Me:  Prodigal, what are you doing with that apple?


Prodigal:  I am going to give it to my teacher today!  We should celebrate the hard work that our teachers do so that we can learn.


Me:  Well,  I can encourage your teacher also with a short story.


This comes from the book Voices of the Faithful with Beth Moore

He was a teacher, a Christian teacher.  One of his Hindu students had a sister who was sick.  The teacher asked his student if he could visit his sister in the hospital.  He told him yes.  The teacher visited her and prayed for her, and she got well.

The short visit began a relationship with this high-caste Brahmin family.  The teacher began to regularly visit in the home.  The father of these two children welcomed the teacher, even though he knew that the teacher was a Christian.

One day, the teacher asked the father if he could give him a wall calendar.  He explained that the calendar had a scripture on it.  The father accepted the calendar and hung it on his wall.  One scripture verse as on it.  The father was aware of this verse day after day and month after month.  Slowly, God’s Holy Spirit did His work.  The words on the calendar began to penetrate the father’s heart.  The message began to make sense to this man, who had been a Hindu all of his life.  One day, the father was convicted of his sin, and he became a believer in Jesus.

Now this new believer has a fellowship of believers meeting in his home.  He regularly attends training sessions to help him be a good leader.

Today is the day.  God has called you again to some small task with some person that you may not have a close relationship with.  You are busy, you are tired but this small task may be the beginning of a big story that God is planning.  So don’t allow the story to be stopped before it ever begins.  Follow the Holy Spirits leading and go complete that task!

Hebrews 4:12

For the word of God is full of living power. It is sharper than the sharpest knife, cutting swift and deep into our innermost thoughts and desires.  It exposes us for what we really are.


Jennifer Van Allen

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