
Prodigal:  I am not sure about these guys, they look kinda rough around the edges.

Me:  I am sure they are very kind and probably fun!

Prodigal:  Yep, and I am sure they mild chickens too.

Me:  Let me share a story that might help with your perceptions.


This is from the book Overcoming Spiritual Blindness by James Gills, M.D.


Clans, cliques, castes–it may be an unfortunate, inherent attribute of our fallen human nature that we seek not only to distinguish ourselves from others, but to separate ourselves from them.  Pride, as we have discussed, causes people to elevate themselves about their neighbors and to exclude them from their own experience of life.  Many gravitate toward, and cling to, those who appear to be the same and can confirm that their blindness is justified.  We learn to identify with false differences and to reinforce them in a group.  Kings are no commoners, and farmers are not doctors.  One is better than another; at least, so we think.  But our evaluations are not of God.


You are not better than anybody else and you are not lower than anybody else.  Our Lord Jesus Christ loves me and you and that other person also.  Don’t base your relationships on pride but on love.


1 Corinthians 16:11

Let no man therefore despise him:  but conduct him forth in peace, that he may come unto me:  for I look for him with the brethren.


Jennifer Van Allen



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