Upside Down


Me:  Are you going to buy something Prodigal?

Prodigal:  I would but if it cost a dollar to go ’round the world, I couldn’t get out of sight.

Me:  I know these fair prices are outrageous.  I will treat you though.

Prodigal:  You are so kind to me.


This come from the book  The Secret of Happiness by Billy Graham


From childhood to maturity we are always prone to do what we should not do and to refrain from doing what we ought to do.  That is our nature.

That is why the disciples to the world were misfits.  To an upside-down man, a right-side-up man seems upside down.  To the nonbeliever, the true Christian is an oddity and an abnormality.  A Christian’s goodness is  a rebuke to his wickedness; his being right side up is a reflection upon the worlding’s inverted position.  So the conflict is a natural one. Persecution is inevitable.

When Christ’s disciples began preaching that Jesus was the Christ, the people cried in consternation, “These that have turned the world upside down are come hither also”(Acts 17:6).  Herein lies the fundamental reason for Christian persecution.  Christ’s righteousness is so revolutionary and so contradictory to a man’s manner of living that it invokes the enmity of the world.


Don’t stop telling people about Jesus.  I know they don’t understand but you never know who you are sowing the seed with.


Isaiah 55:8-9

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD.  For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.



Jennifer Van Allen

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