Which Cup?


Prodigal:  I was think we should get some cookies today!  They would be such a nice touch to a good day.  Just think some chocolate would add that extra sweetness that would make it great!

Me:  You can stop drillin’. You struck oil!

Prodigal:  Good lets go get some then!


This is from the book With Christ in the Garden by Lynn James Radcliffe



We must first remove the cup of doubt and replace it with the cup of faith.  No man will ever utterly solve the problem of why good people have to suffer, but every one of us must hammer out some rugged faith which will steady us in the hardest hour.

We must first realize that a great deal of suffering comes from humanity and not directly from God.  My sin, my folly, my ignorance, the sin, the folly, the ignorance of someone else—these six factors account for much human tragedy.


We can get stuck there.  If someone would just stop, so I do not have to suffer.  How many times have I prayed that question to the Lord.  How many times did the suffering continue.  This happened a lot but what I can tell you is that don’t lose sight of faith.  Don’t lose sight that Jesus overcame a lot of suffering and don’t lose sight that you have others who have walked a walk like this also.


Proverbs 6:21

For the ways of man are before the eyes of the LORD, and he pondereth all his goings.


Jennifer Van Allen



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