God Created Us

01-01-15 763

Me: Prodigal, what are you doing in a Christmas tree in January?

Prodigal: Well, I love the smell, I like the lights and all the ornaments are just so cute! I think it is fun place to just rest.

Me: Well I will have to say that I did not expect to find you here but it looks like something you would do.

Prodigal: Thanks for understanding, I have gotten a lot of weird looks but you know I am enjoying myself.

Me: Well it might not be normal but God does not mind if you hang out in a Christmas tree in January. Speaking of not normal and with it being football playoffs, I would like to share something from Tim Tebow today.

Prodigal: If you don’t mind me listening while I am in the tree then go ahead!

Tim starts with What’s the point of being “normal”? That sounds average to me, and I never felt like I was created to be average.
I remember reading Coach Tony Dungy’s book Uncommon and in it his challenge to so many, especially those of us within the younger generation, to not be “common.” From lessons in his own life, he encouraged us to always strive to be “uncommon” and align our lives with the ways of the Lord.
So if everybody was doing the same thing, the normal and usual thing, I looked for a different way. The crowd, by definition, gravitates toward average, which could tend toward middle of the road or toward mediocrity. If we’re all special in the same way, then nobody really is. A view of that kind of life, I believe, discounts the belief that God created each of us special, each with gifts and abilities like no one else’s. He created each of us different, fully intending that we would use our unique gifts and abilities to do what He created us to do.
You and I were created by God to be so much more than normal. My parents always told us that was true of each of my siblings and me.
Following the crowd is not a winning approach to life. In the end it’s a loser’s game, because we never become who God created us to be by trying to be like everybody else.

I really like how Tim stated not being average and following a crowd. Some Christians encourage us to all follow the exact same plan. The plan is so detailed and specific that we all are grouped in one big look alike crowd.

There is nothing wrong with unity. There is nothing wrong with common goals. The difference though, is that God called us with different abilities to share in that goal. If your group does not allow you to express who you are but you must hide, then that is just being one average part of a group. God has a common purpose for us all but we all can express it differently. I can still be part of a fellowship of believers, still believe in the gospel and yet pursue this in a slightly different way. A God centered group should include people who look a little different and handled things differently. These people are not rebellious, they are just following God the way he specifically made them. I just want to say thank you God that you have made me different and that you love me in that difference even when others do not understand!

Romans 8:28
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose.


Jennifer Van Allen

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