As Pride Increases

Me:  Ready for what the Lord will bring today?

Prodigal:  I hope so, I’m starting it with the Lord.

Me:  Remember no pride!

This is from the book  Reflections on the Psalms by C.S. Lewis

When the subject is sacred, proud and clever men may come to think that the outsiders who don’t know it are not merely inferior to them in skill but lower in God’s eyes; as the priests said (John 7:49), ‘All that rabble who are not experts in the Torah are accursed.’  And as this pride increases, the ‘subject’ or study which confers such privilege will grow more and more complicated, the list of things forbidden will increase, till to get through a single day without supposed sin becomes like an elaborate step-dance, and this horrible network breeds self-righteousness in some haunting anxiety in others.  Meanwhile the ‘weightier matters of the Law’, righteousness itself, shrinks into insignificance under this vast overgrowth, so that the legalists strain at a gnat and swallow a camel.

You are not better than any single person on this earth, and you are able to wake up, and breath because God is allowing it.  Do not focus on any pride but remain humble today.  The only way to make it through this week is to remain humble.

Isaiah 6:8

I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?  Then said I, Here am I ; send me.

Jennifer Van Allen

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