The Dark Room


Me:  That room is dark.

Prodigal:  Yes, it is.

Me:  Some light is needed.


Let’s image the beautiful Sun outside represents Jesus.  Let’s image the world full of sin as a dark room with no windows.  The room needs light.  You noticed to receive light, there have been placed beautiful wonderful lamps.  They are plugged in and they share light.  Some of the lights are brighter and some are darker.  They have different light bulbs in them.  Some burn out sooner and some last longer.  Some lamps are small and some are bigger.  They all shine light though. They also look amazing and beautiful!  There are ones with flowers, skinny ones, and fat ones and some are brand new and others are old.
 Then there is a small hole in the wall.  In a room full of lamps with light, it appears to do nothing.  In fact it may seem to be a flaw in the design.  Some of the lamps complain, why is it even there.  The lamps feel that it is not even coming close to sharing all the light that they are sharing.
The hole says nothing.  Consistently it remains in the room.  Some days are cloudy and barely any light from the sun comes through the hole.  Other days there is nothing but light that comes through.  The hole sometimes wonders can something so small and ugly and insignificance compared to the lamps really make a difference in the dark room.
But one day, there is a power outage.  All the beautiful and different lamps can share no light.  Their source is from their plug that is connected to the room.  The small hole is now the only light available.  On that day the sun is shining brightly and can be seen coming through the hole.   In that dark room where the lamps could no longer work, suddenly they focus on the hole.  This light was a little different because it had warmth there that is different than artificial light.  It’s source was from the sun. The sun has pure energy that never dies.  It is a source that is everlasting. This light could not be stopped by the power outage.
The hole just did what it was designed to do that day.  It didn’t want the lamps to look at it.  It was nothing but a hole and they didn’t look at the hole.  Instead the hole did what it was designed to do.  The focus of the hole was to let the light from the sun to shine through.  The focus was on the sunlight and the hole was just a vessel for the sun.
The lamps represents when we work in the flesh for the Lord.
The hole represents when we work through the Holy Spirit.
John 1:5
“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”
By:  Jennifer Van Allen

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