Looking At Themselves

Me:  How is the carving going?

Prodigal:  It’s harder than pushin’ a boiled noodle through a keyhole.

Me:  I’m sure after practice it will get better.

Prodigal:  I hope so.

This comes from the book How to Be Filled with the Holy Spirit by A.W. Tozer

Instead of looking at the mighty resurrection power of the Lord Jesus, people go back to looking at themselves–and that’s why they lose hope and give in so easily to defeat and discouragement.

We are actually dealing here with Christ’s supernatural power–not with just our human hope and resolutions!

The world encourages us to look at ourselves.  They think this is wisdom.  But wisdom starts with the fear of the Lord. That means we are obedient in the way God calls us.  That means we are not able to see what God is really doing by having us take this step but we do it anyway.  Looking to ourselves, we will end up in a dead end, always.

Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them:  otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven.

Matthew 6:1

Jennifer Van Allen



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