Do Not Faint

Prodigal: This is a lot to carry. I am feeling tired.

Me: Don’t faint, you will make it.

This is from John Claypool

Now I am sure that to those looking for the spectacular this may sound insignificant indeed. Who wants to be slowed to a walk, to creep along inch by inch, just barely above the threshold of consciousness and not fainting? That may not sound like much of a religious experience, but believe me, in the kind of darkness where I have been, it is the only form of the promise that fits the situation. When there is no occasion to soar and no place to run, and all you can do is trudge along step by step, to hear of a Help that will enable you “to walk and not faint” is good news indeed.

Don’t give up. Keep the standing. The Salvation of the Lord is near!

John 14:1

Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.

Jennifer Van Allen

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