Me: Baseball is not my strength.
Prodigal: But Brady is good at it!
Me: I love to watch him play.
This is from the book Pure Desire by Ted Roberts
First, we need to know our own weaknesses very clearly. We all have weakness, because there are no perfect families. Here is where the Christian perspective differs radically from much of the popular perspective of today. Understanding the points of weaknesses that may have been passes on to us from our family backgrounds is not an investigation to fix blame. It is, instead, a discovery of the points where God’s power can be released in our lives where we are weak, we have to work at listening to God carefully, because our ingrained habit patterns can lead us astray.
You are not stuck. God has a way!
1 Peter 2:2-3
Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by you may grow up into salvation. if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is good.
Jennifer Van Allen