One Step At A Time

Prodigal: I am tired.

Me: Take it one step at a time.

This is from God will Make a Way

One migration season, three whales captured the headlines of the world when they became entrapped in a rapidly forming ice flow. Would-be rescuers were stumped as to what they might do to free the whales from their captivity within the “fence of ice”. The ice was forming rapidly around the whales, and soon scientists predicted there would be no way for the whales to surface and breathe the oxygen they needed to survive.

Finally one naturalist suggested that the whales might be lured to a breathing hole drilled just a few yards away, and then lured to yet another breathing hole even farther away. As new breathing holes were drilled, old ones were covered over, leaving the whales with no alternative–they had to move under the ice flow or die. Over the next several days, dozen of such breathing holes were drilled short distances apart to lead the whales step by step out of their problem and into the open waters.

The way God makes for us through a difficult time is often a step-by-step process. We must walk out the solution, step by step, day by day, decision by decision. It may seem that we take one step backward for every two steps forward, but if we could see the bigger picture of what God is doing, we would conclude, “Things are getting better.”

Sometimes God delivers His children overnight, in a single, dramatic act. But other times, a slow and gradual leading, requiring deliberate and steady obedience on our part, may be His way.

Lead me to the rock that is higher than I. (KJV)

Psalm 61:2

Jennifer Van Allen

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